I am married to the most amazing, handsome man in the world, Stephen. ♥ He is my best friend, soul mate, and shopping buddy! We have been married since December 4, 2010. Besides the day I got saved, my wedding day was the best day of my life. I am so blessed that God gave me Stephen. He is truly the best Christian I know. I couldn't imagine my life with out him.
I am also a Mommy to Luke Daniel and Selah Belle. Luke is our little warrior man! He is a leukemia survivor and the strongest kid I know! Selah is our wild child who loves to run around and give her momma 100 heart attacks a day!
When I started this blog, I was a high school Math teacher, that LOVED fashion! I have a burden for women who've chosen to dress modestly. It is very easy to get get into the "jean skirt, t-shirt" routine! But, I started this blog to help ladies dress more modern and modest! Modern Modesty is a ministry to me. I love to help ladies feel more confident and beautiful.

ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you still had an Instagram account... I would love to continue to follow you on Instagram and see your lovely pictures! You inspire me everyday to dress modestly and to be a good Christian wife to the most amazing man I've ever met.
Love your blog!
Hello I was wondering why you no longer have you Instagram account. I loved all your posts. And your fashion! Are you opening another account? Thank you and God bless! Sincerely Priscilla
ReplyDeleteI recently found your blog and I love it coming from a faith were we don't wear make up or cut our hair in addition to not wearing pants it becomes difficult to but an outfit together that's not frumpy when one is not style inclined. Thanks for such a woderful blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing this blog!! It has really helped me to find outfits I can wear that are modest, yet still fashionable. I was wondering where you get your skirts? I would like to find more, I don't have that many that are fashionable. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI get a lot of mine from JCPenney!
DeleteHello there! I have read around on your blog and I happen to love it! I searched to see if you had an email address but I came up empty so here goes nothing. At fifteen years old how did you convince your parents to let you wear skirts? Thank you so much! God bless!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you couldn't find my email it's laurenlambert_89{at}yahoo.com.. Anyways, that is a great question! My parents were very confused on why I started only wearing skirts, but it wasn't that big of a deal to them. I also had two homes, my parents were divorced, so I would get skirts from both parents and eventually I had enough to get rid of all my pants. I think they didn't mind as much, because my all-around attitude was changed, so they were just happy to have a non-bratty teenager!
ReplyDeleteHey I was wondering what you wear to exercise...Love your blog, thanks😃
ReplyDeleteHey I was wondering what you use when you exercise, or do something that is more active and not so easy to do appropriately in a skirt?
ReplyDeleteI wear a running skirt I got from kosher casual. It's a skirt with leggings attached underneath
ReplyDeleteI wear a running skirt I got from kosher casual. It's a skirt with leggings attached underneath
ReplyDeleteHello Lauren
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog. Until I read it I couldn't quite put my finger on my conviction. I have been dealing with dress only for 9 years. Thank you. I'm glad to see your outfits, I too like many others have a hard time with matching stylish outfits without looking frumpy. I'm also in a group on fb called Modesty for the modern mom please join and post your outfits. Any of the ladies reading this please join. Again thanks Lauren
Hi Lauren! I think your blog is so cute and so is your family! I love to find modest bloggers! I'm very new to blogging so please check out my page and give me some pointers :) I love fashion crafts and food and most of all my Family. Modestyandmotherhood.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHi, has your instagram been removed? I can no longer see it.
No, I just changed my name to @lauren.ash.lambert