This is a very hard post for me to write, so bear with me. If you have noticed, my posts have been getting shorter and shorter with less and less pictures and posts. The reason is because I have been struggling for the past 3-4 months. I have been struggling with fear & anxiety that has interfered with every part of my life.
The past 2 months it has gotten worse and worse, to the point that I am sick all day long sometimes. I have rapidly lost weight, and lost my joyful, fun personality. When this fear & anxiety started interfering with my daily life, I knew I had to somehow figure out to get it under control.
I want to share you with you some things I have learned with God's help that has helped me during this time of struggle:
I've learned that I am NOT in control. Ever since I can remember, I have been a complete control-freak. I am the oldest child, which might be why, but I like to be in control of all situations. I don't like surprises, because I'm not in control. I don't like spur of the moment trips or adventures, because I am not in control. Bottom line, God has had to break me down and make me know who is REALLY in control. With many tears and fighting, I am finally starting to realize I can't control every single thing in my life. God is in control and that's a good thing, because He is good and He knows best. Just the fact that I can say that calms me! When we have fear and anxiety, it's practically us saying that we don't trust that God is good and that he is going to take care of us!