This week's guest writer is my lovely friend, Pong! She is not only gorgeous, but also Godly! I look up to her a lot, considering she ALWAYS looks adorable even with having 4 kids! She is going to share some of her tips on how she stays sane being a stay at home Mom and also show you some great ways to use a staple piece like her mint pencil skirt! Enjoy!!
Lauren has graciously asked me to share some Stay at Home Mom tips. As we all know being a SAHM is a full time job with long hours, no breaks, many sleepless nights, and possibly the toughest job a woman can face, but it is also the most rewarding and fulfilling job that God has given to us Moms!! When my 1st born son came into our lives, I'm not going to lie, it was TOUGH!!! My sweet little bundle of joy was a lot of work!! But here's some tips that has really helped me through the years of being a SAHM:
1. Create a cleaning schedule- We just moved into our dream home a few months ago and I now have over 4,000 sq. ft. of house to clean, so It REALLY helps to know what chores I have to do. Buying a simple calendar and jotting down what chores you will do for that day will help you stay on track. Pinterest has some great chore schedules you can copy and follow or create your own like I did to work with my busy schedule. Here is a sample of my Monday: wash, dry and fold one load of laundry, sweep floors, and vacuum the main floor.
2. Organization- I'm not the queen of organization, but I love having a place for everything! (With kids, comes toys!!!) And if your kids are anything like mine, they love to scatter them all over the floor. A cheap option I use besides having toy chests through out our home is using large decorative wicker baskets under our end tables for a cute but organized way to store my children's toys.
"Let all things be done decently and in order."(1 Corinthians 14:40)
3. My Best Friend is the Crock Pot!! Cooking for a family of 6 can be tough, but I've become the queen of crock pot meals. I LOVE them, it's so easy, takes little effort and yummy! You can throw your food in the crock pot in the morning, do your cleaning and errands and it's ready by dinner time. One of my favorite easy recipes is cream of chicken in the crock pot:
For our family of 6
Place 6 frozen pieces of chicken breast in the crockpot
Add a large can of cream of chicken then fill half the can with water and pour into crock pot
Cook on low for 4-5 hrs
Once cooked, shred chicken with fork in crock pot and mix evenly with cream of soup
Serve over rice or mashed potatoes
So easy and simple!!
Check out Pinterest for some amazing recipes as well!
4. Teach your children at a young age to pitch in- Kids need to learn how to work, in the society we live in today, it's sad to see but parents are raising lazy bums. It's ok to teach your children how to work, pick up their toys, and do chores around the house. My Abbie is 2 and helps pick up toys, I'm so glad at a young age she is learning how to be responsible. Which in turn, helps mommy. I love that my kids are so helpful. Also make doing chores fun. My kids have races to see who can pick up toys the fastest or I try to reward them for helping with a chore. You won't regret training them up to be helpful.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. "(Proverbs 22:6)
5. Cutting back- I could sit for hours in front of the T.V. watching The Food Network and get NOTHING done, then be so stressed that I didn't get all my chores done for the day. Once I realized it was taking up so much of my time away from what really was supposed to be my focus, I cut myself back from it. It's been years since I have sat down and watched a T.V show during the day. I can't believe how many more things I get done now. I'm not saying I don't watch TV anymore, but now it's normally at night after all my task are done and my kids are in bed. But what are some things that are taking up too much of your time? Facebook, Social Media, Internet or TV? You will be surprised how much you can get done by cutting back on it!
7. LOVE what your doing- One day our kids are going to be grown and out of the house and us moms are going to wish we could go back in time and clean their cereal spills, messy dirty fingers, and toys. Cherish and LOVE these moments with your children! God has given us the most privileged task to be called a MOM! I honestly love being a SAHM!! I can truly say I love taking care of my husband, kids, and home. I can't think of anything more rewarding than doing what I do. So learn to LOVE it Moms, because we only have one chance before its too late.
"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord : and the fruit of the womb is his reward." (Psalms 127:3)
Now onto my outfits! I wanted to use one staple piece like my mint pencil skirt and show you how many different outfits you can come up with just by changing your accessories and tops!
Last but not least, here's a picture of my beautiful family that I get the privilege to serve everyday! God Bless!