Pinterest (Mom) Failure
This is another "Keeping it real post"...I guess being a new mom does this to me!
So we've all seen those hilarious pictures of people trying to re-create some awesome dessert they found on Pinterest and it looking...ummm NOTHING like it. There is a whole website devoted to "Pinterest Fails!" But besides desserts and food, people (including myself) pin clothes, home decor, photography ideas, mom tips, and much more. Don't get me wrong, I love pinterest and use it from time to time, but if I spend too much time on there I tend to look at my life and say wow I AM a Pinterest Fail!
So many of my friends on Facebook are constantly posting their adorable pregnancy pictures with chalkboards that looked like they spent 5 hours writing on (who has time for that!?), showing off their perfectly healthy "clean" meals (I can barely get a pb&j in these days), and posting their perfectly decorated houses... (I don't even have my one-month old son's room decorated yet!) Now, granted most of these people who post these Pinterest worthy pictures are stay at home moms...But, it still makes us working moms and wives look & feel second-class.
Moms are always judging each other on social media. Whether it's about if you had a natural birth or c-section, co-sleep or not, or if you breastfeed or formula feed. Now, in the perfect world, yes, natural births and breastfeeding are the best. But, some of us, can't do it all! I had a perfect, amazing natural birth, but the aftermath....Oh man..FAR from perfect! My main battle has been with breastfeeding. You would think someone who had an unmedicated birth could breastfeed like a champ...well not the case with me! I am exclusively pumping and only get 2 oz every 2 hours...My son eats 4 oz. every 3-4 hours, so I had to do the unpardonable sin and supplement with formula. I really felt like a Pinterest Mom Failure. Until I reminded myself, I am not a Pinterest Perfect Mom, I am Luke's Mom, and I am doing what's best for him and me! After I realized that, I felt such a relief from the "pressures" of being a "perfect" Mom.
This goes for all things in life. If we try to compare ourselves to Pinterest or others, we will fail miserably. But, if we try to be the best version of ourselves, we will be happy and content! I hope this was an encouragement to someone! Love you all! ♥
"For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."
2 Corinthians 10:12
Happy One Month Luke Daniel!

Lauren, this post and the last one have brought back such memories of when my own son was a newborn. Same difficulties with breastfeeding, not being able to get back into pre-pregnancy clothes, not having enough time, the feeling of failure at not being able to get it all done and comparing myself with others. I wish I could go back in time and tell that girl that she was doing great, and it was all going to be okay. Since I can't do that, I'll say it to you: Lauren, you're doing great! It's all going to be okay!
ReplyDeleteI know your honesty here has helped some new mom.
Thanks for writing this. And Luke is precious!
He is so beautiful!! Yes to this post! Breastfeeding is so hard, I had to supplement, too. My daughter is thriving at 4 years old now and maybe was 75% breastfed for the first 6 months of her life. Looking back now, I am proud of what I did. I would go through all that again, but not be so hard on myself. Good job, mama!!
ReplyDeleteoh honey - I felt like an inadequate excuse for a Mom for nearly for first year of my son's life. I was also his biggest cheerleader and protector all at the same time. I've been told {and believe} that motherhood will bring us these feelings of failure or triumph almost on a daily basis. I have gone back on things I said I would not do or allow as a mother. Interesting how every child is different and we have to learn how our parenting ideas fit each little human life we are shaping. We also have to survive and not beat ourselves up for not living up to what we expected of ourselves. My husband {and family} gave me encouragement and amazing support when I had my moments of feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. Now that I'm a year into it - motherhood {parenthood} is the most amazing journey and time of my life thus far. That little guy brings a smile to my face and makes my husband & I swell with pride often!! Being organized and trying to stay on top of our schedule is what keeps me sane...being a working Momma is my role and I enjoy my responsibilities in all areas of my life. Almost EVERY mother I talk to shares the same feelings - KNOW you are not alone! You have done amazing so far and are SO strong!!!
ReplyDeleteLauren, he is sooooo cute!! I
Dear Lauren,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing honestly from your heart about the challenges you are facing in this new season of motherhood. I really appreciate your humility and grace and encouragement in sharing about modest fashion, your walk with God and now motherhood.
I haven't commented on your blog before but because of my passion for healthy living and blessing mothers I had to share this information. Hopefully this will be helpful and encouraging to you or another mama. With that being said here are some links I came across while researching for an expectant friend.
The last one is a book by a very learned (she has several certifications) Christian mama who guides mothers in safely and effectively using essential oils for pregnancy, postpartum, babyhood and beyond. Our family has been using Young Living essential oils to help with colds/flus, snoring, nausea, digestive issues and hormone balancing with great success so I am very excited to share about this gift from the Lord!
My last two things are tips from my mom (who successfully nursed for over 6 years between all of us children). Take a nursing vacation--which means setting aside a few days to relax and rest mostly in bed and nurse as much as possible. Also, the La Leche League was a vital part of her success with nursing as a first time mom.
This is getting rather long for the comments section but I have to say your sweet little Luke is ADORABLE! What a special gift from the Lord! Thanks for sharing him through pictures :)
Blessings in Christ,