
BPriceless Box Giveaway!

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It's time for another giveaway! You ladies are going to LOVE what I'm giving away! Have I told you how much I LOVE my Ipsy bag I get every month? It's a surprise $10 bag full of make-up samples and some full size products that you receive every month! I love it, and it's like Christmas every month!

Well, this giveaway has nothing to do with Ipsy...(haha!) but it's the same kind of idea, except for it's a box filled with jewelry, scarves, a watch, hair ties, jamberry nails, Bath & Body Work hand sanitizer, ribbon headbands, eyebrow filling kit, make-up, and more!! It is FULL of fun stuff! I LOVE it and think it's a fun idea, especially for ladies who don't get to go shopping as often as you would like. Who wouldn't love to receive a box full of items that you could actually use! This box is from BPriceless and it has stylish, trendy, and matching products valuing over $80!

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I am giving away a FREE January BPriceless box! Follow the rafflecopter below to enter to win! Good luck! I will announce the winner on my Instagram and Facebook page on Wednesday afternoon!

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Curvy & Classy

I've been planning this post with my friend, Kim, for a while, and we finally got around to taking the pictures today! Kim is one of the most classy, adorable, and stylish ladies I know. And, guess what?!... she's not a size 6 either! That's right, ladies that are plus size can be stylish too! Kim does a great job at dressing the body she has! I asked her to do this post with me, since we have the same top from JCPenney. I thought it would be great to show how you can look great and confident, no matter what size you are.

I asked Kim to share a few tips with you ladies.

1. Don't let your size stop you. You can rock the same trends and styles that the non-plus size girls can!

2. Wear cute, but not clingy pieces! You don't want to wear a shapeless piece, that's unflattering, but you also don't want anything skin tight either! Find your happy medium.

3. Remember you are a child of the King! Be Classy for Christ!

4. Large or small, you can look good in all!


Weekly Outfit Planning 101

This week on my Facebook group, I shared a little video introducing myself and answering some questions that some ladies asked. I thought I would share it with all my blog followers too! ;)

One of the questions I got a couple of times after the video was how I planned my outfits for the week. So, I thought I would do a post today on how I plan my outfits out! :)

First of all, I always follow some kind of style prompts from a style challenge on Instagram. Right now I'm doing one from my friend @readwriteteachstyle.

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My admins and I will be making one for February, so stay tuned ;)


Faith Vs. Fear

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I don't know about you, but I am a huge dreamer! I have so many ideas and dreams that run through my head on a daily basis. One of my crazy dreams was to start a modest clothing line! In my dreams it seems so easy, but in reality it is going to take a lot of hard work! I covet your prayers!

My pastor preached this morning about fear and how it paralyzes Christians. I couldn't help to think about my endeavor to try to start this clothing line. I am so afraid of failure. But, I know God has laid this dream on my heart. I love inspiring, encouraging, and helping ladies dress more modern and modest. I have to have faith that God will help me start this clothing line and that He will use it to bless many ladies!

Fear can stop so many Christians from doing what God has for them to do. Are you scared to sing that solo, but you know God has blessed you with a beautiful voice? Step out in faith that God will calm your nerves and bless someone from your song. Are you afraid to witness to your neighbor that you know doesn't attend church? Step out in faith and share the love of Jesus with them! Are you scared to give God your tithes and offerings? Step out in faith and know that God will bless you abundantly. Are you afraid to let go of control of your life and give the reigns over to God? Step out in faith and trust Him with your life, after all you trust Him with your soul... why not trust Him with your life?

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Let's replace our fears with faith and trust that God is going to make a way! ♥

Now onto the week of outfits! We went back to school this week, and I'm already looking forward to Spring Break...haha!


Modest Workout Clothes

With the New Year here, I know many of you are trying to lose weight. My most read post ever was the "How I lost my Post-partum Weight" post. Every one I know is trying to lose weight! I get a tad frustrated with ladies who want to lose weight but don't want to workout or eat right. I promise you, it's NOT going to happen any other way. I've accepted the fact that my body shape and type HAS to workout, if I don't workout and eat right, I gain. It's the way MOST of our bodies work. (I hate you skinny girls that never have to run, and can eat donuts for every meal and never gain a pound!!! Just kidding..but not!)

But, anyways, a question I get almost weekly is what do I wear to do outdoor activities since I don't wear pants. Just because I'm working out, I don't lose all my personal standards. So, I figured I would show you what I wear when I workout!

My favorite workout skirt is the Women's Running Skirt with Leggings from Kosher Causal. (use link below) This skirt is super stretchy and can be used for any outdoor activity. They also have it in little girl sizes! This is a MUCH cuter option than culottes! It is chlorine resistant, so it can also be used for swimming. I personally don't swim in public (I have a pool at home), so I don't ever worry about what I wear, but this would be a great option. (People ask me that question all the time too)

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