
Church to Casual

As you all know, I love to remix my clothes into many different outfits! But, I am starting to also switch up my looks into dressy for church and more casual for everyday wear. Today, I'm going to show you how I wore my maxi dress to church this morning and then switched a few things and made it more casual for lunch and the night service.

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3D+ Fiber Lash Mascara GIVEAWAY

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It's GIVEAWAY time!!! I'm SOOOO excited about this giveaway! I've been using the 3D fiber lash mascara for about a year, and after hosting 3 parties and converting tons of my friends and family to Younique, I finally decided to become a presenter! This business has been such a blessing to me and my family!

This mascara is seriously a game-changer! If you haven't tried the brand new 3D+ formula, it's even BETTER than the original formula! It is naturally based, safe for contacts, and hypo-allergenic! Here is a quick tutorial I made on how to apply the new 3D+ fiber lash mascara! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me below!

It's super easy to apply! Gel, fibers, gel!

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If you want to win your very own 3D+ fiber lash mascara, enter the rafflecopter below! The giveaway will end Saturday morning and I will announce the winner on Facebook & Instagram!

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Keep Yourself Out of Trouble

So...I found a new life verse this week...

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. -Proverbs 21:23

LOL! Not really my new life verse, but maybe it should be! ;) All of the drama, heartaches, and hurt feelings in my life usually are a result of my mouth running too much!

When I was a kid my dad used to tell me I had diarrhea of the mouth! (Pardon that mind-picture) But, it was/is true! Sometimes, I feel like I just HAVE to say whatever is on my mind, regardless of how it makes others feel.

How many of you get in trouble because of your mouth? (Raise your hand?) Me TOO! Well, hey, let's work on this together! Let's TRY to keep our unnecessary opinions & our unsolicited advice to ourselves and/or just in general listen twice as much as we talk! It will keep our souls from trouble!

Here's another week of #modmodaugust2015:

Day 17: Chambray Dame
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Midi-Skirt Wishlist

I know many of you ladies look wonderful in midi-skirts, (I unfortunately look like balloon), but I wanted to give you a heads up that Shein has GREAT skirts for a very, very cheap price! Just be careful with Chinese sizing!

She-in Wishlist

Pleated skirt

Black skirt

Skater skirt

White skirt

A line skirt

A line skirt

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Faint Not

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And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

This verse has been such an encouragement to me, so I thought I would share! Sometimes doing right is very hard and tiring. Following the Bible isn't always the easiest path. It's much easier to "go with the flow" and follow the crowd. But, I want to encourage you today to not get tired of doing what's right. Keep serving God, and you will reap the blessings!

This blog sometimes makes me VERY weary, due to the criticism and trolls that leave terrible, evil comments. But, it is worth it all when I get emails like this:



Save Time: Plan Your Outfits

I can't believe school starts tomorrow!! Where did the summer go?? It rained almost EVERY day in Florida this summer, so we barely got to go swimming or be outside! But, all in all, it was a fun, relaxing summer. Although, I'm not excited about having to wake up super early every morning, but one thing that really helps me cut down on time is to plan my outfits ahead of time. I learned a lot of other time saving tips from my 14-day Makeover Your Mornings e-course.

That is the main reason I LOVE style challenges! I can look at the week ahead and plan my outfits out, and not have to stress about that every morning!

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139Made & Avon Review

I just recently heard about the Christian clothing company based out of Houston, Texas called 139 Made. Their shirts are all faith based with a great message on each shirt. 10% of their profits go to stop human trafficking. I love to not only support Christian companies, but also ones who have a cause greater than themselves. My husband is wearing their Isaiah Eagle Tee and I am wearing their Sparrows Tee. 139 Made is giving all Modern Modesty followers 10% off their order by using the code MODERNMODESTY.

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