To Enter:
((You must do all these steps on instagram!))
1. Follow @lauren_modernmodesty on instagram
2. Like the post with the giveaway graphic and rules.
3. Answer the question in the comments. (What is your favorite Starbucks drink?)
4. Tap the photo once to see where to go next and enter all the other giveaways! You have finished the loop when you return where you started! Pretty easy right?
Loop will run from Sunday 11/2 - Monday 11/3 at Midnight EST. Winners will be chosen randomly sometime on Tuesday 11/4! Good luck!! ❤

I love reading your blog, ever since i started I make more of an effort to look a little more polished and modest (not that i was naked, but definitely needed a kick in the butt in the polished area). I would love to do your giveaway but I see you only have it for individuals with Instagram. In the future could you and your sponsors find other ways to include those of us that don't do any form of social media?