1. Know your own personal style. The best way of figuring out your personal style is by what looking at the outfits you are drawn to, whether it's on Pinterest, in the mall, or even on MM. There are also fun quizzes online that might help you too, if you're really clueless. :) Also, you can tell by which stores you would shop at if you had $5000 to spend. My personal style is classy/preppy. If I had $5000, I would buy out Ann Taylor, JCrew, Banana Repulic, and Old Navy! Now there is a HUGE difference between style and fashion. Here's the best description I've read of the two:
I love that! It's so true, so many times, I'll take a super edgy and daring outfit, and tame it down to a more classic look that I would wear. It's all about taking inspiration and turning into "you!"
2. Flatter your body shape. If you don't know your body shape take this quiz, and then search styles that flatter your body type! I am very hourglass, so I have to keep my bust and bottom balanced. That is why you often see me in straight dresses and skirts. If I add any volume (a-line or pleated skirts) it automatically makes me look like I gained 15 lbs. So, I wear what flatters me. You will know what flatters you, just by trying on different styles. If you can't tell, then take an HONEST friend. They will tell you what flatters your body. If you have NO honest friends, then maybe you need to look into getting a personal stylist. I can do e-sessions via FaceTime or Skype, just check out my Styling Services page. I've helped a couple ladies out by helping them put some great outfits together!
3. Make sure your inside is just as beautiful as your outside. I know my blog is about fashion & style, but I always want to make sure our main focus is Jesus! Everything we do should be for His glory and His honor. If we only care about our outward appearance, then our "modesty" is all in vain. Let's make sure our hearts are always right with the Lord. Let's spend more time with God, in His Word, praying, seeking Him, then we do on our make-up and hair. I'm preaching to myself too! My friend Elizabeth, convicted me this New Year when her resolution was to spend more time with God and less time getting ready. If you are a busy momma like myself, you should spend time with God as you get ready! I spend my whole time getting ready listening to the Bible read out loud (YouVersion Bible app is the best) and I also spend time praising God in song as I get ready in the mornings!

Thank you for this post! I love how each of your outfits is so intrinsically "you" - I actually saw a woman at church today and thought "That looks like something the girl at Modern Modesty would wear!"
ReplyDeleteI struggle to grasp what my style is and what flatters me, so I end up buying pieces I don't wear because they don't go with anything else I own or don't look good on me. Now I think I'm going to go through my drawers and see if I can pinpoint a style to stick with, lol.
By the way, your blog is on a list of my favorite to read at www.skirtsy.blogspot.com... Keep up the great content :)
DeleteOh I love your outfits for days 2,3,5&6! Adorable! Thanks for sharing this post. I personally think you look awesome in what you wear! Plus your outfits are always so diverse and beautiful. I loved reading the difference between fashion and style. I never thought of it that way- but it's do true!
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your blog. You are a blessing to this "older" woman. Also, thank you for making Christ the main thing and glorifying God.
ReplyDeleteHi! I love visiting your blog. I can tell that you are 100% yourself and that is inspiring in a time where people are not happy just being who they are. While your style is not my own, you wear it beautifully. I love your creativity in mixing modesty with current trends and it is admirable. Blessings to you! Keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog because you definitely mix the faith part in there and I love that! Many people just say that they are a Christian and that's kind of the end of it. And I also love that you occasionally put stuff about your family on here. It helps us to kind of know you better and relate to you, but yet you're not putting your whole life on here either :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. It was so encouraging to read, especially since I've been going through something similar. Keep up the good work sister!
ReplyDeleteYour post resonated with me so much, especially your comments about style vs fashion. I have preferred a classic look since I was a young teen in high school. It was not always easy and it certainly set me apart. But I believe it has been a key to the success I have achieved.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to have found your blog! I was searching for someone with standards like mine to gain inspiration and encouragement from. I have to admit I get a little discouraged being one of the four 'skirts only' girls in our church of over 200 people! It doesn't help that my pastor's daughter is the one who discourages my convictions on dress the most :( Anyways, I was binge reading your posts when you mentioned that you were a math teacher and I literally screamed! It is my dream to be a high school math teacher, and have also surrendered to be a missionary. You are such a great example that I want to follow! I am definitely going to use your system for planning out outfits from now on, (and style-stealing a TON of your gorgeous outfits) and I can tell it will help me so much in Bible college next year! I am so thankful for you sharing your life with us and can't wait to see what God has for each of us in the future!
ReplyDeleteYay! Keep in touch! Where are you going to college?
DeleteYay! Keep in touch! Where are you going to college?
DeleteWest Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California Lord willing!
DeleteGreat posts - it's easy to fall into the latest blogging trends. I am glad you are true to yourself!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
So many great outfits with your beautiful collection of skirts. I love skirts, especially for work. My two favorite outfits are the two with your leopard pieces. That last one in particular would be stunning for Valentine's also. Love the burgundy pumps.
ReplyDeleteWelcome by sometimes Lauren. =)
Happy VDay! Ada. =)
great post! so many people don't focus on the inner beauty that makes the outer beauty even more precious!