Get Ready First Thing
I’ve found that the longer I put something off, the less likely it is to happen. There have been days I had good intentions, but never saw them through because one thing after another happened, and the day went by before I realized it! Make it a goal to get dressed first thing each morning. I try to remind myself that my daughter is watching me, and I need to set an example for her by trying to be presentable each day!
Basic and Comfy Can Still Be Cute
I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes between Pinterest, Instagram, and yes, Modern Modesty (heehee) I tend to feel a bit intimidated sometimes! So many cute outfits that I could never pull off! But then I remind myself that I don’t have to wear bootie wedges and pencil skirts just to look cute. Basic and comfy can still be cute and put together! You don’t have to dress up “fancy” every day to still be cute.
Remember Your Hubby
As SAHM, there are days we never see anyone but our husbands and kids. I know it can be easy to skip doing hair or makeup those days. And occasionally we all deserve to have a lazy day! But I personally try not to make it a habit to “forget” about my hubby. Our husbands are exposed to other women every day, usually nicely dressed, fixed up women (depending on his job). I like to give him something nice to come home to. I also try to remember what my husband does or doesn’t like when it comes to hairstyles, fashion, and to ask his opinion when I wear new things!
Have a 5-minute Face
I go natural most days; there is nothing wrong with not wearing makeup! But for those days you want to wear makeup, or those who like to wear makeup every day, it’s very helpful to have a “quick look” especially after you become a mom! Here a few tips, I will fire them out really quickly! Don’t skip blush, it helps you look more awake. Curl your lashes; it also gives you an “awake” look. Use your finger to apply eye shadows, it’s faster. Go for neutral shadows so you don’t have to be perfect with the application. Don’t skip filling in your brows, it will help pull your face together! Skip lining the lower lash line, it can enhance dark “mom” circles and make you look older. Use highlighter on your brow bone and cheekbones to give a youthful glow! And last but not least, find products that can multitask to save time. For example a primer and eye shadow in one (Mary Kay has some good ones) or a tinted moisturizer.
Have a Couple of “Go-to” Outfits
There are some days that are very rushed as a mom. You may have to leave the house with 5 minutes notice, or maybe your outfit gets ruined right as you’re walking out the door. Or maybe you are just having a blah day and you don’t have the energy to pick out a cute outfit one morning. It helps to have a couple of “go-to, never fail” outfits for these occasions. Things you know work together and look polished and pulled together. When you have time, go through your closet and put a few of these outfits together. I suggest a couple of casual outfits and one church outfit. Always have these in the back of your “mental closet” for occasions such as these!
Mommy “Beauty-Hacks”
Maybe I’m lazy, but I’m all about whatever will save me time, effort, money, and too much energy! Here are few hacks that have helped me. It’s not always easy finding time to take a shower as a mom, so my secret is dry shampoo! On days your hair needs help, just spray some of this in and your hair looks clean! It won’t feel clean but it looks clean, so fake it till you make it! When you DO have time to get a shower (ha-ha) here’s a tip: to keep your skin beautiful, apply a mask in the shower! I put mine on right away, then let it sit while I shampoo and lather up. It won’t dry like it would if you weren’t in the shower but it still does the job, and the steam helps penetrate your pores. Another hack that I’ve found to be helpful is to fix your hair BEFORE you go to bed. You can blow out, curl, or flat iron, however you choose to do your hair. That way, you only have to do touch ups in the morning! Huge time saver! One more: I also lay out my outfits the night before, especially if we have somewhere to be in the morning. Not just mine, but also my child’s!
Rethink Your Wardrobe
Becoming a mother has really helped me to rethink my wardrobe. Before, I would just buy something if it was cute, not really caring about the price or the comfort and durability of the garment. As moms, we need to first of all aim for comfort. Secondly, how “baby-proof” is it? And third, will it last longer than 10 washings? And of course it needs to be cute! I try to remember to choose “forgiving” garments when I’m shopping. For example, stretchy waistbands on skirts are helpful because it can take up to 6 months or longer to lose baby weight. Plus the stretchier the waistband, the easier it is to move, bend over, chase kids, etc.! You also want to think “Forgiving” in terms of materials and colors (how easy will you be able to get something clean if it gets food/snot/dirt all over it or how well can the fabric hide stains if something happens in public?) Here are a few of my top essentials for mommy wardrobes. Denim skirts, maxi skirts and dresses, blazers made from stretchy and comfy material, basic fitted tee shirts, cardigans, and high tank tops.
Go Through Your Closet
It’s hard to choose an outfit if your closet is jam-packed, unorganized, and outdated! Take some time to go through your closet. Reevaluate, reorganize, and get rid of anything that isn’t conducive to your lifestyle or anything that is outdated or worn out. Take inventory of items you need or would like to have. Then slowly start to build a modern, modest, mommy-friendly wardrobe!
Make Time for Yourself
So what does this tip have to do with fashion for SAHM you may ask? If you are completely worn out and emotionally drained, never getting time to recharge, you are not going to have energy or maybe even the desire to put into dressing stylishly. Try to make some time each week to have at least an hour to yourself. Do something to relax or just get a break and it will make a difference!
Prepare Your Heart
1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)
“But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”
You could spend hours choosing an outfit, but it will not make a whit of difference in the Lord’s eyes if your heart attitude isn’t right. It’s important to make an effort in our appearance as Christians. We are the only light the lost world sees! But God sees our heart, and that’s where we should strive to please him.
Being a mom is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. It’s also one of the most rewarding, and one of the most important. You are shaping and molding lives and personalities! What are your kids learning from you every day? Preparing your heart everyday is going to make a difference in how the day goes, attitudes, and your emotional well being.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 says “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest”.
Now what does that have to do with fashion and beauty you ask? In my personal experience, when I have taken time to do my devotions, get dressed, brush my hair, and put even a smidge of effort into my appearance, the day goes better and I feel better about myself. It’s very small yes, but it goes a long way.
Moms, God has given us a tremendous job! Let’s make sure we do it heartily as unto the Lord!
Even though you may have days of feeling like you’re not making a difference, remember the little eyes watching you, and know that to THEM you are ALL the difference. Continue to do the very best you can at the job God has given you.
I’ve put together a couple of pictures of some outfit ideas for SAHM. They are very basic but still cute and functional and of course comfortable. One final tip I’d like to share with you is how I plan my outfits based on my day. The picture on the left is what I put on in the morning and wear throughout the day in my house. The picture on the right is what I add to the outfit if we have to leave the house in order to help my outfit look more pulled together and interesting.
I hope these tips have been helpful! I know the post was long, but I just shared what was on my heart. Thanks for reading ladies! Have a wonderful day!
**** Please ladies, don’t think I am bashing moms who wear yoga pants and tee shirts all day. If that’s your choice that’s fine! (I’ve done it myself). This post was mainly geared for SAHM who want to get out of that habit and have been asking for advice in this department.