
Wavy Hair Tutorial
Attitude of Gratitude
I have SO much to be thankful for! Here's just a few things I would like to share!

Lady Entrepreneur: Aly's Boots
Our unique patent-pending design features a specially made rain boot that has a slight indention which allows the wraps to sit flush on the boots. The wraps themselves are easy-to-clean, machine washable, and waterproof! How amazing is that? The wraps are also so easy to put on and take off. There are elastic bands on the boots that slip easily over the buttons on the wraps to keep the wraps secured to the boots. The wraps come in several different cute designs to help you complete any outfit. Now you can look cute and stylish on any gloomy day without spending a fortune!

Dainty Jewell's: Charming in Lace

For When I am Weak...
This past Friday, I was going to lunch and my husband met me with a huge vase of flowers & a card. I opened the card and was so shocked that 30 of my Modern Modesty friends had gotten together and raised some money and sent me three $100 gift cards to my favorite stores, just because! I have never been so surprised and felt SO LOVED in my entire life! Thank you to all the ladies who participating in making me feel SO loved during this hard time!

I Struggle...
The past 2 months it has gotten worse and worse, to the point that I am sick all day long sometimes. I have rapidly lost weight, and lost my joyful, fun personality. When this fear & anxiety started interfering with my daily life, I knew I had to somehow figure out to get it under control.
I want to share you with you some things I have learned with God's help that has helped me during this time of struggle:
1. I've learned that I am NOT in control. Ever since I can remember, I have been a complete control-freak. I am the oldest child, which might be why, but I like to be in control of all situations. I don't like surprises, because I'm not in control. I don't like spur of the moment trips or adventures, because I am not in control. Bottom line, God has had to break me down and make me know who is REALLY in control. With many tears and fighting, I am finally starting to realize I can't control every single thing in my life. God is in control and that's a good thing, because He is good and He knows best. Just the fact that I can say that calms me! When we have fear and anxiety, it's practically us saying that we don't trust that God is good and that he is going to take care of us!
You're a Child of the King!

I've never seen Dutchess Kate Middleton do or say anything inappropriate or dress frumpy. She is always prim & proper! Not saying that we have to be perfect, but we should always try to do our best to represent the King we serve! This week as you go out and serve the Lord, try to remember you are a Princess!

Frumpy to Fabulous!
I know as Moms we can put our looks on the back burner, but what we don't realize is that our lack of caring is a bad testimony to our teenagers, our church members, and lost people. If we want the next generation to appreciate modesty, we must make it look attractive to them. Of course, we are not going to compromise God's Word to do so, but we don't have to look like we just woke up either. It's all about balance!
So many ladies are hiding behind their baggy clothes, ponytails, and dark circles, and just honestly don't feel beautiful. I HATE to think that ladies don't think that they are beautiful. EVERY lady is beautiful, because first and foremost God made you perfectly! I want to help you get some of your confidence back. Not because we want to impress others, but because it's important to view yourself in a positive way. I want you to look in the mirror and be confident that you are beautiful.
I asked my good friend Melissa, to help me make the point that looking nice doesn't take THAT much more time, but it does, of course, take a little more effort.

Church to Casual

3D+ Fiber Lash Mascara GIVEAWAY

This mascara is seriously a game-changer! If you haven't tried the brand new 3D+ formula, it's even BETTER than the original formula! It is naturally based, safe for contacts, and hypo-allergenic! Here is a quick tutorial I made on how to apply the new 3D+ fiber lash mascara! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me below!

Keep Yourself Out of Trouble
When I was a kid my dad used to tell me I had diarrhea of the mouth! (Pardon that mind-picture) But, it was/is true! Sometimes, I feel like I just HAVE to say whatever is on my mind, regardless of how it makes others feel.
How many of you get in trouble because of your mouth? (Raise your hand?) Me TOO! Well, hey, let's work on this together! Let's TRY to keep our unnecessary opinions & our unsolicited advice to ourselves and/or just in general listen twice as much as we talk! It will keep our souls from trouble!

Midi-Skirt Wishlist

Faint Not

This blog sometimes makes me VERY weary, due to the criticism and trolls that leave terrible, evil comments. But, it is worth it all when I get emails like this:
Save Time: Plan Your Outfits
That is the main reason I LOVE style challenges! I can look at the week ahead and plan my outfits out, and not have to stress about that every morning!

139Made & Avon Review

Modest Wardrobe Staples

This is not a capsule wardrobe, I can't only have a certain amount of items in my closet. So, instead this is a Modest REMIXABLE Wardrobe Staples list. I've shared with you many times that I only buy items that I can remix with many other pieces to create multitudes of outfits with my classic remixable pieces. I really don't think I own THAT many clothes, maybe I do compared to ladies who don't like shopping..but I think I have a pretty average sized closet, but I haven't repeated an outfit in I don't know how many years. That's not to brag or boast, it's just to show you that you can do the same if you build your wardrobe with remixable pieces that are able to be re-used in numerous outfits!
Modest Maven Monday: Lauren

I grew up in a military family, moving every 2 years and traveling the world. I’m the oldest of 5, and thankfully grew up in a Christian home, where being in God’s House was a priority. I was saved at the age of 16, after making several false professions as a young child. It wasn’t until I was 16 that the Lord really showed my MY sin, and how awful MY wickedness was before a holy and righteous God. I was sick and tired of my sin, and truly wanted the Lord to have control of my life. I went forward one Sunday in October, wanting the Lord and none of me, I repented of my sins and turned to Christ in faith that He would save me and He did! I’m so thankful to say that I truly am a “new creature in Christ, all things have passed away and all things have become new!” Praise the Lord for his goodness!!
I met my amazing husband when my family moved to North Dakota. I noticed him right away, but I never played the game of “trying to get the guy.” We became friends and instantly recognized that we had a lot in common. I moved away to Europe, but the Lord had bigger and better plans. He moved me back to ND and really orchestrated everything in my husband and I getting married. I feel like our story could be a beautiful romantic novel, but I won’t go there right now. Suffice it to say, I’m crazy about my husband aka Mr. Incredible – he still gives me butterflies, brings so much joy to my life, and treats me better than I deserve! I married the perfect man for me and couldn’t be happier!!!! These past 9 years and 2 sweet boys later have been beyond my wildest dreams. Ladies, wait for God’s Mr. Right – he WILL be more than you ever could’ve imagined for yourself!
I’m a SAHM and wife and LOVE it, but I also am a photographer. I love being creative and expressing myself through photography. It’s my passion and I love it, getting paid for it is just a bonus!! My favorite subjects are my sweet sons – Landon and Trevyn (they’re 2 & 3 so they keep me on my toes!)
Picking a favorite outfit is like picking a favorite child – can’t do it! So, I just went with one of my many favs.
I tend to be pretty chatty so I’m trying to keep this as concise as possible…a few fashion tips?
1. Ok, so let’s talk about your hair. It if doesn’t look good, it won’t matter how cute your outfit is! I learned a long time ago that investing in a good stylist and products is a must! It’s AMAZING how blah you can feel when your hair isn’t at its best. You don’t have to have “great” hair to look good, just getting regular trims can make a HUGE difference. I pay more for my cut/color but I have found that I’m able to go longer between salon visits….and yes, I literally feel like hugging my stylist when I see her! A good haircut can make you feel like a million bucks (not that I know what that feels like, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same feeling that I feel when I step out of my salon with new hair)
2. Mix up your own wardrobe to create countless new outfits! You’ll be surprised at what will often look fabulous together! This is a great way to modernize pieces that could look less than fabulous otherwise. Sometimes the best way to make a piece shine, is to mix it up with other great pieces.
3. A helpful tip that I’ve found is to take photos of my outfits and keep them in an album on my phone (or a Pinterest board) for a quick reference on what to wear. I don’t know about you, but as a busy mom, my mind is often going in a billion directions. It’s SO easy to forget what you paired with what especially if you mix up your wardrobe a lot. I helped my mom with this as well and she says it has been such a help for her to have a quick go to reference of what she has in her closet!
4. Try Goodwill first, seriously. Money saver! Most of my wardrobe is thrifted, but the key is to thrift good quality clothing. I’ve found amazing name brands at thrift store prices.
5. Your clothes are tools -use proper fit and the right style for your body to create illusions of a smaller/slimmer you. Use your clothes to detract from problem areas and modestly highlight your nice areas.
6. It’s all in the details – sometimes simply tucking in a shirt, adding a belt, statement necklace, or scarf can drastically change your look and take your outfit to a whole new level! Take an extra moment to be detailed.
7. (Parroting Stacy London) – Incorporate pattern, texture, color, and shine to make an interesting outfit.
8. Have confidence (not arrogance)– it’s an attractive quality!! A great outfit can make you feel confident and when you feel confident, you’re more apt to reach out to others. Life is about others. So yeah, a nice outfit can literally improve your relationships with others. Take care of yourself so that you can be a blessing to those around you.
9. Don’t forget to smile! It sounds so cliché’ but it’s SO true! Everything we do communicates to others and 80% is non verbal. A smile communicates A LOT! Let’s portray our joy of the Lord! True beauty does shine from within and that beauty comes from a right relationship with the Lord. When we’re right with Him, He can use us to minister to others and share His gospel with a lost and dying world. A good outfit helps our outside to mirror the inside.
10. Life too short to look frumpy! Let’s look our best and live for Christ!
See you all around ModMod!

26 Things I've Learned in My 26 Years

1. Don't make God #1 in your life, make Him the center of your life.
2. The best way to get yourself out of a "backslidden funk" is to start sharing the Gospel more.
3. You don't always have to get "your way."
Let's End the Mommy Wars

Modest Maven Monday: Holly
Surviving the Summer as a SAHM
Then one day as I was sitting on my laptop during nap time, and I saw an ad for a Makeover Your Mornings e-course. I was curious, so I clicked on it and read up on it..and I'm SOOOOOOO glad I did. I did the Makeover Your Mornings e-course and it TOTALLY changed my summer and my experience as a stay at home Mom. Now, I'm not only surviving, but I've learned to LOVE it!
The lady who teaches the class is a Christian SAHM and she helped me to get on a schedule, make goals, and motivated me to take care of myself spiritually and physically. Now that I've gotten my days planned out on a schedule, I feel SO much more happy and accomplished! I've started a new Bible study on women of the Bible, and I've gotten SO much out of my Bible study this summer. I'm SO beyond thankful I found this e-course that gave me back my sanity! :)
For all of you "natural" SAHMs that have the whole SAHM life down pact, LUCKY you! I was not a natural. I had to learn how to enjoy it! I HIGHLY recommend this course to anyone that is struggling with being a SAHM. It truly helped me A LOT!
PS. I'm not actually staying at my house, we're staying at my Mom's house during the week, which is an hour away from our home, because my husband is working a summer job there. So, that also doesn't help my situation..LOL. Fashion blogger + Living out of a suitcase for 6 weeks = NO BUENO.

Modest Maven Monday: Ashley

eShakti: Custom Dress Review

Modest Maven Monday: Candy

Custom Modest Formal Dresses

Lilla Rose Giveaway

Modest Maven Monday: Jen
3 Beauty Must-Haves
Smile Brilliant's gives you custom fitted teeth whitening trays! They are hand crafted by dental lab technicians which means they are formed to fit to your teeth with precision. If you go to the dentist for professional whitening you're looking at over $500. Smile Brilliant's whitening trays are identical to those provided by the dentist, but their price tag is not! You will save as much as 70% at Smile Brilliant! Also, as Modern Modesty readers you are going to get an EXTRA 5% off of your custom teeth whitening trays, just use the code: modern1modesty.
Modest Maven Monday: Cesia
Summer Must-Haves

Skirt: JCPenney
Necklace & Bracelet: Rocksbox (use my code: modernmodestyxoxo to get a free month)
Wedges: Ross
Modest Maven Monday: Alaina
What Is The Truth?
My husband and I have been talking about how crazy hard it is going to be to raise a child in this culture. The only thing we can do is teach our son the truths of the Bible and teach him to seek God in every decision he makes. We can't allow this world to dictate what is right or wrong, we must use the Bible as the only source of truth!
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." -Psalm 119:105
I know that my blog is a modest fashion blog, but I never want to make that my main focus. My main goal is to share Christ with unbelievers and to help strengthen fellow Christian ladies. Pretty outfits are just a fun addition to the Christian life! ;)

Modest Maven Monday: Rachel

While in Bible College, I met the perfect man for me! He was everything that I had prayed for and so much more! After we were married, my husband served as an Associate Pastor/Youth Pastor for nearly 8 years. Then the Lord called our family into the greatest mission field in the world, the United States military (my husband told me to say that!). We are actively serving the Lord as missionaries to the military with my husband being a Chaplain in the US Army. We have been abundantly blessed with 4 children—2 boys and 2 girls. Being a Mom is one of the greatest joys of my life and I’m thankful to be able to stay at home with my children, as well as homeschool them.
I’ve had a love for clothes and feminine style since I was a young girl. I believe it was passed down to me through my grandmother who worked at a ladies department store and took me on my first shopping trip when I was just seven years old. So when a friend from my college days introduced me to Modern Modesty about 2 years ago, it definitely sparked an interest in this clothes-loving girl! I’ve met so many wonderful ladies that I would have never known had it not been for Modern Modesty, and new friendships have blossomed through it. It’s great to be able to get new ideas, as well as encourage one another in our desire to be modest, yet fashionable! Modesty is very important to me, and I want to please my Lord in what I wear. I hope to look cute and somewhat fashionable, but never sacrificing modesty for fashion’s sake.
I didn’t know my body type or even my particular style until ModMod. I’ve learned to look for more classic pieces to build a more versatile wardrobe, and been challenged to be a thrifty shopper! Some of the ladies from ModMod are unbelievable at finding great deals!
Any beauty tips or fashion advice I have to offer is nothing you haven’t heard before, but I try to follow these guidelines in my life personally:
~ A radiant smile is the finishing touch to any outfit~ I believe in the power of Crest white strips!
~ Don’t get hung up on sizes~ There’s an array of different sizes in my closet-it’s about the fit, not the size!!!
~ Even as a SAHM, fixing my hair, and wearing a little make-up usually pave the way for a more productive day… and I don’t have to worry about scaring people away if someone comes to the front door!!!
~ Don’t forget to moisturize your neck! No one wants a young face, but an OLD neck! Hehe!
~ Avoid too much sun exposure~ It’s a golden tan when you’re younger, and extra wrinkles and sun spots when you’re older!
~ If a clothing item costs more than $20.00, it has to be a versatile piece that is classic and will last for a long time, or I won’t pay that much.
~ Even if an item is “in style,” if it’s not me, I don’t wear it. I just admire those who can!